Revive Physiotherapy

Guiding your body back to optimal function.

At Revive Physiotherapy, we are Doctors of Physical Therapy who provide individualized injury rehabilitation and care in a comfortable, relaxed environment in an inviting gym setting in St. Augustine, Florida.  If you've had a recent injury or are battling aches and pains, we can help. 

Is Ankle Mobility Limiting Your Performance?

If you're a regular in the gym and haven't had your ankle mobility screened, this post is for you.

If you're a CrossFit box owner or coach who cares about your members but do not incorporate ankle mobility screening for each one of your new members, this post is also for you.


Ankle mobility (or lack thereof) is often times the culprit for sub-par performance during overhead squatting, lunging, jumping, and other tasks that involve dynamic movement of the ankle.

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When should I see a physical therapist?

Q: When should I schedule an appointment with physical therapist?

Q: There are many places I can go when I'm injured; why should I see a physical therapist first?

Q: Why should I see a physical therapist rather than jumping to surgery? 

Q: Can I see a physical therapist directly without a referral?

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1741 Dobbs Rd #13, St. Augustine, FL 32084 | (843) 906 - 3580 |
© 2016 Revive Physiotherapy. All Rights Reserved.